Monday 21 July 2014


yeah, so i've not been around for a while but I'll catch you up.

I went back to uni after easter having been on a brilliant Mediterranean cruise and was thrown straight back into the reality of lectures, revision and exams.
I sat my exams, meanwhile discovering that I now suffer with anxiety and panic attacks, but managed to just secure myself a grade average of a 2:1 which I am so pleased and surprised by!
In the midst of revision, I went to see One Direction at Wembley Stadium. An amazing night but I really struggled with my anxiety to put myself in such a huge crowd of people I don't know.

So yeah, I've mainly been learning to deal with having anxiety and passing my first year at uni.
I've been home from uni for just over two weeks now and I am really missing my uni life but in less than 4 weeks I fly to Tennessee to start my study abroad semester at the University of Mississippi which I am so excited about!

I started another blog where I will post all about my time there if you want to keep up with that you can check it out here.

Hope you've all been okay and are all about to go on lots of nice holidays all over the world. If you end up posting about your travels I'd love to read about them so tweet me @emilaaarblog or send me a comment.

speak to you soon, promise 

Em x

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