Friday 20 September 2013

My Memory Jar

This is completely different to what I normally post but you know I like to switch it up a bit!
At the start of the new year, I vowed to myself that I would make a note of everything good that happens to me throughout the year so I can look back on it at the end of the year and smile at all the memories I've made in only one year.
I saw this idea on tumblr probably like 2 years ago but it just stuck with me (along with the newspaper nail art that I still haven't got round to trying).
Basically I just found an empty jar (or if you can't find one, I used my favourite mug for a while) and every time I've had a nice day or something good has happened to me or I just feel good, I write down the date on a post-it note or piece of paper along with what made my day, fold it up and stick it in the jar.
I've found this to be a particularly good year to do this as I have had a very rocky time, especially throughout January and the start of the year, but now I get to look back and not focus on those difficult times and only the positive things that have happened. It's good to recall important events too, such as the date I found out I was officially going to uni after so much drama about that, and just whenever I've made an effort to go out with friends and we've ended up having the biggest laugh!
Just thought I'd share this idea with you in case any of you want to do it as well. Even though it's not new year, it's a fresh start for me starting uni in just over a week and you can decide to change your outlook whenever you want to.
Hope you liked this slightly different post, I'd love to know what kind of things you do to stay positive/be sentimental.
Em x


  1. Aw that's such a great idea!! I wish that I had done that at the start of this year because I always forget about the little nice things that happen but always remember the crappy things!! Definitely going to do that next year


    1. Aw I'm glad you think so, I've honestly found it so useful, it makes you forget about the awful things so much easier and realise that they weren't even that awful and you got through it and managed anyway, I've found it so helpful when I've been struggling, especially through my a levels. Definitely do it!!!

      Checking out your blog now :-) x
