Saturday 31 August 2013

August Favourites!

It's that time again! The 1st September marks the end of Summer for me, which is sad but Autumn/Winter is definitely my favourite time of year. August has been one of my favourite and busiest months this year! For starters, I went to America which I did a series of posts about here, I also got my A Level results and when I found out I didn't get in to my dream university I had to do a lot of sorting out to find a course at another university and then I've been spending lots of time with my friends, my boyfriend and my family before everything changes in a month and we all end up all over the country!

Anyway, the things I have been using a lot this month are all brand/relatively new to me that I picked up in July. Firstly, I got my first Real Techniques brushes from Walmart in the states and they are absolutely amazing. I expected them to be because of all the hype, but seriously, if you're thinking about getting some, definitely do it! I got the Core Collection 2.0 which I can no longer find so I think it may be discontinued but it still has the perfect brushes to give you a great base to your make up.

The Revlon Lash Potion Mascara I have raved about here so I won't go into too much detail, but this has been my go-to mascara throughout August.

I haven't yet had a nail polish in my favourites purely because I hate painting my nails, it's so messy and it always smudges and looks terrible and takes forever to dry so if you have any tips let me know. But I absolutely love this colour and Barry M polishes have always been a hit with me because they're so cheap, when I manage to chip them after only one day and feel the need to pick them completely off I don't feel guilty. Nude nails are my absolute fave and this has a more brown tone to it so I think it would look good on anyone. I have put this on twice on my fingers and twice on my toes- this is the true test of me liking a nail polish, the return paintjob! I have a feeling a will be wearing this a lot in the upcoming A/W months too.

I picked up a Maybelline Colour Tattoo in Florida partly due to the hype, but also because I'm still relatively new to make up and barely wear eyeshadow or anything. I have a couple of palettes, but this is the perfect base and wear-on-its-own colour too. It's builable and can be smoked out for a night-look and it's sheer enough for day too. Love this and at £4.99 they're a complete steal, definitely going to get more colours! The colour I have is Tough as Taupe but it's called Permanent Taupe.

My last proper favourite is of course my Bioderma. This really is as good as everyone says it is, removing make up with a quick swipe all over the face. The lovely Chloe at FrenchCares saw my what I'm taking on holiday post and told me about her online boutique that sells all this lovely skincare and more for all you  bargain hunters like me. It's priced in euros but the exchange rate works out much cheaper, even cheaper than what I paid for mine from a french pharmacy! She ships internationally, and I'm just waiting for my products to run out so I can order more from her,  definitely check her out.

My last favourite is Best Song Ever, it has literally been my song of the Summer and I can't help but dance and sing along. Can't believe this video has 94 million views though!

What have you been loving this month? Has anything big happened for you? Also, if you're going to uni like I am in a few weeks, let me know. I think I'm going to do a haul of all the things I'm going to take with me so that could be fun.

Hope you're all well.

Em x

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